Order management

Purchase and Sales Order Management

Accurate monitoring of orders and suppliers

General Noli can handle your purchase or sales orders - right from when they are issued.

Purchase order management refers to all business procedures related to an order’s life cycle.


General Noli can trace all information and processes of your orders, from the moment they are created to the final destination.

The timely handling of purchase orders—right from the moment they are issued—allows for better control of your order-to-cash cycle.

General Noli employs a sophisticated system based on years of experience with large U.S. retailers.

We manage your purchase orders by providing complete control and visibility of all upstream and downstream processes. We also facilitate corrective actions while maintaining the integrity of your order-to-cash cycle.

Such interventions include:

  • Automated or manual order approval process
  • Identification and management of supplier delays
  • Identification and management of carrier delays
  • Possible changes in transportation mode

Without our purchase order management, visibility and corrective actions are limited to the shipment phase. This severely restricts or eliminates the opportunity to make proactive decisions that could mitigate adverse and sudden contingencies.

Our platform has been developed with 40 years of customer feedback

Main features:

  • A flexible, in-house platform based on over 40 years of experience with large U.S. retailers
  • Configurable operating procedures based on your processes and workflows
  • Direct EDI/API connections or via all major third-party platforms

Services include:

General Noli resources

Global key account team – a group of professionals with proven experience dedicated to your business

  • Supplier configuration and management
  • Purchase order management control tower
  • Online booking management
  • Coordination of local operations
  • Reporting

Local operators – our teams are located near your suppliers

  • Daily interface with your suppliers anywhere in the world
  • Quality control processes
  • Operational management of orders and related shipments at both origin and destination
  • Consolidation/deconsolidation of orders and shipments
  • Customs clearance procedures at both origin and destination

A wide array of reports at your disposal

We offer extensive report options with three levels:


A. Container
B. Supplier invoice


A. Container level


Single line for each container


Provides details about:

  • Type and number of containers
  • Planned vessel
  • Cargo information
  • Supplier
  • Route

B. Supplier invoice level


Single line for each invoice of the specific supplier/certificate of acceptance of goods


Provides details on:

  • Shipping windows
  • Preparation date of the goods
  • Online booking identification
  • Detailed information on the goods

C. PO/SKU level


Single line for each invoice of the specific supplier/certificate of acceptance of goods


Offers more information regarding:

  • Order number (PO)
  • SKU
  • Shipping windows
  • Preparation date of the goods
  • Online booking identification
  • Detailed information of the goods

System integrations


Our platform is integrated with all major industry operators, ensuring accurate data flow to meet the required timeframes.

Suppliers' onboarding and ongoing followup

A good relationship with your suppliers is crucial – right from the start. This is why we have created a detailed onboarding and follow-up program.

Need more information?
Let us create a customized solution for you!

Special Equipment

Spedizioni per carichi speciali

È il servizio speciale destinato al trasporto di merci fuori sagoma, che non rientrano nelle misure ordinarie del contenitore o che richiedono una movimentazione fuori dagli standard. Un team di esperti, tra cui gli specialisti in Project Cargo, curano ogni singolo aspetto al fine di gestire e ridurre la complessità di questo tipo di spedizioni: dal carico e scarico attraverso navi specializzate dotate di gru per carichi pesanti, alla gestione documentale, dallo sdoganamento alla consegna, garantendo sempre una soluzione personalizzata e flessibile rispetto al vostro business.


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Spedizioni di contenitori completi door to door

Si tratta di spedizioni di contenitori completi, dove alla tratta via mare si aggiunge un servizio multimodale composto da trasporto su gomma o su rotaia, che consente un servizio door to door da ogni origine e per ogni destinazione. Rappresenta la formula ottimale per spedire grandi quantitativi di merci.

Si tratta di spedizioni di contenitori completi, dove alla tratta via mare si aggiunge un servizio multimodale composto da trasporto su gomma o su rotaia, che consente un servizio door to door da ogni origine e per ogni destinazione. Rappresenta la formula ottimale per spedire grandi quantitativi di merci.