
Ethical and management

Ethical and management

Tools to ensure quality and safety for your business

In keeping with the standards of the Savino Del Bene Group, ethical and management principles are at the core of all our activities. We follow the Universal Compliance Management System implemented by the Group to ensure ethical and reliable conduct for your companies and all our partners. Indeed, this system is based on the principles of honesty, respect, and tolerance and reflects the behaviors and standards to which the Savino Del Bene Group has always aspired.


The Group’s guidelines offer a complete security package with the aim of protecting all stakeholders. Based on these guidelines, General Noli’s innovative solutions can take into account the needs of the modern market.


General Noli shipments rely on third-party suppliers. Therefore, to ensure the best performance of the service provided, our business partners are carefully selected and evaluated according to their authorization credentials in accordance with the Savino Del Bene Group.


The implementation of an Integrated Management System is the result of a corporate choice that assigns primary importance to the issues of quality of services provided, health and safety in the workplace, energy efficiency, environmental protection and social responsibility, all through the adoption of recognized international standards and certifications.


The Savino Del Bene Group has continued its efforts throughout 2021 to clarify, share, and disseminate the founding implementation principles of its ethics and anti-corruption policy to all its members. We are keen to ensure that everyone in General Noli receives the appropriate training to comply with these regulations.


Every Savino del Bene Group company internally develops their information systems related to core processes. This guarantees the best operating standards. Our new management systems have provided us with great tools to better face global competition. The implementation of new tools optimizes daily activities, both in terms of efficiency and productivity. They are also meant to maintain the right degree of flexibility for rapid adaptation to the needs of our stakeholders.


A timely control and the analysis of the risks involved in our services allow us at General Noli to keep track of every stage of your shipments.


More than ever, the strategic requirement of digitization promotes dialogue between our employees and your business and improves the operational efficiency of the entire company. Safeguarding our IT infrastructures against any tampering attempt and unauthorized access is an absolute priority for all the Savino Del Bene Group companies. All IT services and IT infrastructure are managed by the Group’s subsidiary company, Savino Del Bene IT S.r.l. This division consists of experienced system administrators. They are in charge of protecting our computer network against unauthorized access and cyber attacks.


Also General Noli, therefore, adopts internal IT processes and security policies. These are subject to annual ITGC (IT General Controls) audits prepared by industry leaders. Savino Del Bene Group data centers are equipped with the latest backup systems and are duplicated in real time on two servers. Access to data and systems is also based on individual users. The Group’s Information & Technology department has put in place a cyber incident response process that can provide a 24-hour emergency service.


To facilitate compliance with global safety standards, each company in the Savino Del Bene Group has obtained the following certifications:

  • AEO: the Authorized Economic Operator certificate is assigned to companies that meet a set of criteria. These aspects are linked to cooperation with customs authorities in order to ensure the common objective of supply chain security. The purpose of the program is to strengthen international supply chain security and facilitate legitimate trade based on the principles of mutual transparency, fairness, equity and accountability.
  • TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association): the world’s leading supply chain security association. This program aims to protect the integrity of global logistics chains by enabling sustainable supply chain risk management and damage prevention. We are TAPA certified and are periodically reviewed through annual self-assessments.
  • C-TPAT: The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a voluntary collaboration between the public and private sectors and US Customs. The program requires member companies to identify security gaps and to implement specific countermeasures.


A meticulous selection of suppliers is crucial to ensure the safety and quality of the supply chain. A potential business partner must pass our strict pre-selection procedure. They undergo audits to confirm that they meet the rigorous Savino Del Bene Group’s safety standards, which are an integral part of the contractual agreements. All this ensures that each General Noli supplier carries out its activity in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and regulations in force.


In addition, through the use of in-house developed software, we review the performance of our suppliers on a regular basis. This allows us to award or evaluate positively those who have carried out noteworthy projects or initiatives.


The Savino Del Bene Group Integrated Management System enables to identify, maintain, and improve a dynamic management organizational model. This unified perspective is tailored to the needs and special characteristics of the different sectors. It makes the best use of possible strategies, in accordance with numerous national and international regulations and legislations. Constant monitoring, proper measurement of performance indicators, scrupulous execution of internal inspections, in-depth analysis of collected data, and prompt implementation of corrective and improvement actions enable us at General Noli to increase our performance in terms of safety, environmental protection, and satisfaction of all stakeholders.


Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 on the administrative responsibility of companies, the Savino Del Bene Group has implemented an organizational management and control model (Code of conduct) that ensures business truthfulness and transparency. This Code consists of a set of regulations and procedures concerning anti-corruption, conflicts of interest, community activities, political financing, privacy and data protection, labor standards, safeguards, health and safety, and the environment.


The values shared by General Noli as a member company of the Group are enshrined in the Code of conduct, and all employees are expected to comply with these principles. Integrity, transparency, and honesty represent binding standards of reference for conduct within the Savino Del Bene Group. A Supervisory Board, a control system, and sanctions have been established respectively to ensure the effective application of all procedures, as well as to prevent possible violations.


We act in accordance with the principles of freedom and respect for human rights and diversity, rejecting any form of discrimination. To promote this respect, the Group has drawn up a global Code of Ethics that prohibits improper, immoral, or illegal actions. This code also facilitates control over the main sub-suppliers and partners of the joint venture.


At General Noli, we are equally committed to complying with the anti-corruption laws in force in all the countries in which we operate. The effective implementation of the Anti-Corruption Guidelines is ensured through the collection of violation disclosure and reports received by the Supervisory Board. Finally, internal and external stakeholders can report any violations using the corporate whistleblowing portal.


Ai sensi del decreto legislativo italiano n. 231/2001 sulla Responsabilità Amministrativa delle società, il Gruppo Savino Del Bene ha attuato un Modello di Gestione Organizzativa e di Controllo (Codice di condotta) che accerta la veridicità e la trasparenza nella conduzione degli affari. Tale Codice consiste in una serie di normative e procedure riguardanti l’anticorruzione, i conflitti di interessi, le attività della comunità, i finanziamenti politici, la privacy e la tutela dei dati, le norme sul lavoro, la salvaguardia, la salute e la sicurezza e l’ambiente.


I valori che vengono promossi anche in General Noli in qualità di azienda membro del Gruppo sono inseriti nel Codice di Condotta e tutti i dipendenti sono tenuti a comportarsi secondo tali principi. L’integrità, la trasparenza e l’onestà rappresentano parametri di riferimento vincolanti per la condotta all’interno del Gruppo Savino Del Bene. Sono stati istituiti rispettivamente un Organismo di sorveglianza, un sistema di controllo e sanzioni per garantire l’effettiva applicazione di tutte le procedure, oltre che per prevenire eventuali violazioni.


Agiamo in conformità ai principi di libertà, rispetto per i diritti umani e della diversità, respingendo qualsiasi forma di discriminazione. Per promuovere tale rispetto, il Gruppo ha stilato un Codice Etico globale che vieta la messa in atto di azioni improprie, immorali o illegali. Questo codice favorisce, inoltre, lo svolgimento di controllo sui principali sub-fornitori e partner della joint venture.


In General Noli ci impegniamo altrettanto nel rispettare le leggi anti-corruzione in vigore in tutti i Paesi in cui opera. L’effettiva applicazione delle linee guida Anti-corruzione è garantita tramite la raccolta delle informazioni, dei report e delle violazioni ricevute dal Consiglio di Sorveglianza. Gli stakeholder interni ed esterni, infine, possono segnalare eventuali violazioni utilizzando il portale aziendale di Denuncia delle irregolarità.

Special Equipment

Spedizioni per carichi speciali

È il servizio speciale destinato al trasporto di merci fuori sagoma, che non rientrano nelle misure ordinarie del contenitore o che richiedono una movimentazione fuori dagli standard. Un team di esperti, tra cui gli specialisti in Project Cargo, curano ogni singolo aspetto al fine di gestire e ridurre la complessità di questo tipo di spedizioni: dal carico e scarico attraverso navi specializzate dotate di gru per carichi pesanti, alla gestione documentale, dallo sdoganamento alla consegna, garantendo sempre una soluzione personalizzata e flessibile rispetto al vostro business.


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Spedizioni di contenitori completi door to door

Si tratta di spedizioni di contenitori completi, dove alla tratta via mare si aggiunge un servizio multimodale composto da trasporto su gomma o su rotaia, che consente un servizio door to door da ogni origine e per ogni destinazione. Rappresenta la formula ottimale per spedire grandi quantitativi di merci.

Si tratta di spedizioni di contenitori completi, dove alla tratta via mare si aggiunge un servizio multimodale composto da trasporto su gomma o su rotaia, che consente un servizio door to door da ogni origine e per ogni destinazione. Rappresenta la formula ottimale per spedire grandi quantitativi di merci.