
Respect for the

Respect for the

Continuous improvement of environmental performance, sustainable solutions, and responsible use of resources

As part of the Savino Del Bene Group, General Noli supports an integrated approach to sustainability. We are constantly striving to reduce our environmental impact by using resources responsibly. To achieve this goal, we have focused on 3 macro-areas for the reduction of waste and pollution, in harmony with the company resources and services.


We make the supply chain more sustainable by following the Savino Del Bene Group’s directive. We carefully select and evaluate suppliers based on their environmental impact. In fact, our Group has integrated its supplier’s qualification process with information about their environmentally friendly activities. This will enable you to make better-informed choices regarding the type of carrier to use, taking into consideration costs, timing, related risks, and sustainability.


Monitoring the ecological footprint to offer the most suitable solutions to your requests is key for the Savino Del Bene Group’s sustainability policies. For this reason, at General Noli, we are committed to managing our ecological footprint. We carry out in-depth assessments of supply chain flows using tools that measure CO2 emissions in order to improve environmental performance and efficiency.


The ultimate goal of the Savino Del Bene Group is to optimize resources reducing the environmental impact. Accordingly, in recent years, General Noli has increased its efforts to identify and adopt sustainable solutions and state-of-the-art technologies with the objective of reducing waste and emissions.


Tools to assess the environmental impact:

  • Commercial proposals: General Noli business proposals include the possibility of assessing the CO2 emissions of a specific shipment.
  • Eco Scoring: We monitor our suppliers in accordance with the sustainable development guidelines of the Savino del Bene Group, using the Savino Del Bene Group’s internal supplier qualification system, which provides sustainability scores.
  • Risk assessment tool: We comply with the Savino Del Bene Group’s processes. We each shipment step by step, ensuring immediate control and analysis of risks related to the service offered to our clients.


Emissions monitoring tools:

  • Customized emissions reports for each customer: on request, we can provide a carbon footprint summary report that calculates in kg the GHG emissions for each shipment. These reports can be customized to highlight your network’s emissions.
  • Track & Trace:

    The Savino del Bene Group is also an active member of the worldwide EcoTransIT initiative, a non-profit organization of EcoTransIT users that contributes to the improvement of the calculation methodology.

    The Savino Del Bene Group and General Noli use a method for calculating carbon emissions which includes the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework and uses the EcoTransIT software to accurately report shipment emissions. This information is available via our Track and Trace system.



The Savino Del Bene Group cares about consuming less paper, reducing the environmental impact and related costs. These are the main action already implemented:

  • implementing the e-AWB system and developing online tools to upload shipping documents on the company intranet;
  • the use of online archives;
  • the digital management of invoicing.


The direct consumption of energy in the offices and warehouses of the Savino Del Bene Group has decreased by over 10% in the last 5 years. Because the main activity of all the Group companies is shipping, the energy consumption is mainly related to the use of offices and warehouses. In order to improve energy savings, The Savino Del Bene Group is introducing LED lighting and photovoltaic panels.



Following the Savino Del Bene Group’s guidelines, we comply with all regulatory waste standards. General Noli offices recycle when recycling is not possible such as for electrical devices, we dispose of them through special authorized deposit.


Special Equipment

Spedizioni per carichi speciali

È il servizio speciale destinato al trasporto di merci fuori sagoma, che non rientrano nelle misure ordinarie del contenitore o che richiedono una movimentazione fuori dagli standard. Un team di esperti, tra cui gli specialisti in Project Cargo, curano ogni singolo aspetto al fine di gestire e ridurre la complessità di questo tipo di spedizioni: dal carico e scarico attraverso navi specializzate dotate di gru per carichi pesanti, alla gestione documentale, dallo sdoganamento alla consegna, garantendo sempre una soluzione personalizzata e flessibile rispetto al vostro business.


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Spedizioni di contenitori completi door to door

Si tratta di spedizioni di contenitori completi, dove alla tratta via mare si aggiunge un servizio multimodale composto da trasporto su gomma o su rotaia, che consente un servizio door to door da ogni origine e per ogni destinazione. Rappresenta la formula ottimale per spedire grandi quantitativi di merci.

Si tratta di spedizioni di contenitori completi, dove alla tratta via mare si aggiunge un servizio multimodale composto da trasporto su gomma o su rotaia, che consente un servizio door to door da ogni origine e per ogni destinazione. Rappresenta la formula ottimale per spedire grandi quantitativi di merci.